Make money online without spending anything is very easy if you have your own website or a blog. A blog is the better option for making money online than paid website (domain, hosting, traffic and etc). Let's see the easiest 5 ways to make money online.

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  1. Find your niche. You can make money online by your best niche. If you like to write, take photo, trainer, motivation speaker, broker, salesman, business owner or anything, just use the best niche to express you field of expertise on your website or blog.
  2. Website or blog. Have a website. But a blog is the better for the beginning to make money online. There are many free blog service providers like Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr and etc. Just read their terms of condition and make your own blog.
  3. Start blogging. After complete making your own blog, start blogging. Everyday minimum one post will be very helpful to make money online. Writing more than three posts in a day is the most effective way to rate your blog rank high and get more blog revenue.
  4. Advertise. Show Google Adsense advertise on your blog to make money online. You will get money if somebody click on the google adsense add and by how many visitor visits your blog. You can also show other people's add on your blog, too by money.
  5. Sell. You can make money online easily by selling anything on your blog. It's the easiest way to spread your business or hobby worldwide.
It's not possible to make huge money online from the first day. You need patience and regular update of your blog. Practice will make you perfect. Lot's of effective and appropriate website or blog contents are the easiest way to make money online and passive income 24/7.

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