Is it really possible to make money on Pinterest? Many readers email me to know how to get paid using Pinterest. Before going to the method, how to make money on Pinterest, let’s see what Pinterest really is.

This post is long and detailed. Don’t forget to pin this for later!
At first I thought Pinterest is just another social media platform. But as soon I started using it, I understood it is something different. Pinterest is a powerful search engine based on image. Here content makers store and search their creative ideas to get inspired. Beautiful, inspiring, helpful, and relevant PINs in Pinterest can really be the best source of your online income without investing any money.
Related posts:
* Make Money Online (without spending anything)
* Make Money Online (blogging)
* Make Money Online (start blogging)
* Turn Your Blog into a Money Making Machine
* How to Use Pinterest to Explode Your Blog Traffic
How much money can you make on Pinterest?
How do you feel, if I tell you that you can make $20, $50, $100, or even more than $200 per day on Pinterest? And YES, it will be absolutely without investing any money!
I started using Pinterest same like you, without experience. Day by day learned how to use Pinterest during my spare time to make money online!
How would this extra cash help you? Would it help you pay off some debt, stop living paycheck to paycheck, or put a bit extra towards your vacation savings fund?
I had the same situation like you. I know how a side income without investing can be really helpful in this situation.
No matter how many make money online strategy you’ve used, I can tell you here that, making money with Pinterest is possible!
Step by step guide: How to make money on Pinterest
There are two main ways to make money on pinterest.
One is the start a BLOG. It is my top recommendation. You don’t need any experience to create your blog. And it is FREE. Eventually you can make over 1000$ from the first month.
And trust me, I am not special in any way!! After getting very little results from many make money online methods, I had also self-doubts to start a blog.
I thought, I need to be a great writer, SEO specialist or tech junky to start a blog and make money on Pinterest. But it is far from the truth!
Anyone with basic typing skill can create and maintain a blog which is totally FREE OF COST. And then you are ready to start using Pinterest to your advantage. Your passion and willingness will do the rest.
After creating your blog, let’s see how to make money with Pinterest with a blog. in my honest opinion, this is one of the BEST and REWARDING option.
How I make money on Pinterest with a blog
Just like you I was also a 9-5 person and thinking to spend my whole life like that. After few months starting my job, one day I was talking with a senior colleague. She told me, how she was working there from last 30 years. Suddenly something happened in my mind. I loved my job but really did not want to spend my whole 30 years from my life for it. I started to think alternative. I wanted to live my life.
After searching while online, I discovered that bloggers were making extra money or earning a full-time income with Pinterest. I already had a blog but I was not active writing on there that much. So, I led myself to try this out!
And here I am writing my own personal experience on that blog about how I make money on Pinterest.
Make money online blogging is not a one day work. You need patience. It’s like a plant. You need to water it every day. After few weeks you will get surprised to see result.
You don’t need any 9-5 fixed working routine to do it. You can blog on any topics, anytime and anywhere. The best part of blogging is your earnings potential will be unlimited!
I know you’re super excited about this opportunity, so let’s get right into it!
Buy a domain name only when you are ready to invest money to your blog. For a starter, I will recommend you to make a blog. It’s free and anybody with a Gmail account can create a blog. Here is my step by step instruction to make a blog.
REMEMBER: No matter how great your blog name or design is, readers will come to your blog because of your content. But uniqueness, creativity and regular useful blog posting will make your blog stand high in the crowd.
Write some epic posts on your blog relevant to your niche. 10 -15 posts will be enough. Know your target audience first. Don’t choose any topics only to make money online. Go for your passion. Write what you like. Let your readers feel what you want to say. This is the best blog tips to keep your old blog readers come back and read your blog.
Set a Pinterest business account. It is 100% free to sign up and use. Make a profile there with proper username, description and picture. You can get instruction from this post How to Use Pinterest to Explode Your Blog Traffic. In that post I wrote about how to drive HUGE amount of traffic to your blog through Pinterest.
Most important things on Pinterest are:
- Profile Picture
- Claim Other Account
- Niche
- Bio Description
- Pin design
- Call to action
- Pinterest board
- Pin time
After complete your Pinterest profile, it’s time to pin.
How to make money on Pinterest without blog
It is possible to make money on Pinterest without a blog also.
But before starting that, you need to join any affiliate program. I wrote an interesting article about affiliate program on this post.
You can sell on Pinterest directly by pinning your affiliate marketing product/service now. Only you need to use a hash tag #affiliate in that pin description. That’s all.
If you have own products and online shop, you can sell them to Pinterest also.
In a word, the possibility of Pinterest is unlimited. Use your imagination and creativity to make your dream comes true. Don’t forget to drop me mail for any questions and comments about this blog post How to make money on Pinterest.