Because of the current worldwide situation you don't know when your job will start again? Don't know how to pay the bill? Trying to do something to earn money but don't know where to start in the current global situation? Here I am going to tell you 7 Best YouTube video ideas from home to make money absolutely for free.

Before jumping to the main topic let me brief you very short about YouTube. YouTube is one of the most popular video sharing website worldwide allow you to share and watch almost any kind of video for free. So, if you have a Google or Gmail account, you are almost done. Just go to the YouTube.com login with your Google or Gmail account and create a channel with your desired name. Here nothing difficult or technical. You will get step by step information during the channel creating process.

You are thinking how to shoot or create video for YouTube? What kind of equipment and technical skill do you need? 

Well, I can assure you, you don't need anything more than what you have now. 

Yes, it’s true.

You will do very much fine only with your smartphone. If you have any kind of camera shot video will be also good and some basic photo and video editing skills will give you an extra kick!

So, I can think, you know those all.

Now let's start with the main article.

Vlogging video

Do you know what vlog is? Vlog is short for video log means video diary. No matter what you do in a day like waking up, cleaning yourself, cooking, eating, cleaning house, working, till sleep, make small videos of all these things. Attach all video clips to create a big one like whole day video and upload to your channel on YouTube. Isn’t it very simple?

Product review video

You may think, why will you make a product review video if you don't get paid by the company. Here I will tell you the main secret of the product review video. 

YouTube is not only a free video sharing website, but also the top search engine based on video. 
So, when you create and upload a product review video, people search that product and will get your video. And more views means more money. 

Make your pet a superstar

If you have any kind of pet animal, why don't you make your pet a superstar? Yes, people like to watch pet animal videos.

Create and upload your pet’s video on a regular basis to show the audience it’s super cool lifestyle with you.

Show your creativity

Everybody has some kind of creativity. Some can sing a song, some can write poems, some can paint and so on. 

Just grab a guitar and sing a famous song you love. If you don't know how to play an instrument, sing solo without any instrument. 

You can write a poem, so write one and we want to listen. Take your smartphone, record your poem and upload to YouTube. Very easy.

If you can paint, during painting record a video and show it. You can advertise and sell your paint easily on YouTube.

Give suggestions

No matter if you are a specialist or work on a special sphere or a retired person, tell us what it is and how people can benefit from it. 

For an example, if you are a health care specialist, tell us about how to keep ourself hygiene in daily activities.

If you are a math student, show us how you solve the problem.

If you are a retired firefighter, tell us how to handle fire safely during everyday work.

Tech video

All of us use some kind of tech gadget everyday. You don't need to be a specialist to make tech videos. Show us what kind of smartphone you use, what kind of apps you use in it. How do you edit photos and videos, what kind of communication or photo app do you use and why. Tell us everything in that tech video. It's super simple.

Lecture video

Many of us like to teach for living. Take your smartphone or camera and do a lecture video of your favorite subject. Upload that video on YouTube and share with everybody. Your easy description on hard topics will bring more audience to your YouTube channel.

I hope these 7 best YouTube video ideas from home to make money for free will help you to earn more money and show people your skills worldwide. 

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