Selling any products on you make money online blog is a great source of income. Before adding products, you should know what is it exactly. If you can write a review on your make money online blog about this product which you use personally, it will be more effective. People buy a product more knowing about it from a first hand user.

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For an example, you can write an e book. Start to promote it on your own make money online blog. As a marketer you will write a blog post of this e book advertisement. But as a writer of this e book, you will write a great review. You will write your first hand experience, why did you write this e book, why that topic was important to you, why your make money online blog readers should buy this e book.

Promoting other's product for sell on your make money online blog also is an effective way to make money. Most professional online shopping website such as Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, Walmart has affiliate programs. Any one can participate and promote their products to get percentages/commission. It will be easier to promote any products on your make money online blog which you use personally.

Many affiliates network website such as ShareASale, CJ Affiliate, ClickBank, Commision Factory very popular worldwide. They have their own requirement, policy, terms & condition to participate to their affiliate program. Most of them are Click Per Action (CPA), Click Per Referral (CPR) and etc. After joining with their affiliate program, you can write a review on your make money online blog about this program and attach your referral link/code there. When your readers click on that affiliate link and join with that program, you will get money. Also when they buy any product or complete any action (survey, sign up, etc) you get money.

Along with this, you can sell your own audio book, cook book, fairy tale book, your own used stuffs, vintage things, antics and etc on your make money online blog. Use your creativity to promote and sell anything on your make money online blog.

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